Taxes made simple
Tax advisory and professional training
Despre Tax & Training

Tax & Training SRL offers tax and financial consultancy services for Romanian and international companies, being authorized by the Romanian Chamber of Tax Consultants (CCF) and by the Romanian Body of Certified Chartered Accountants (CECCAR). We are also members of the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Romania) and of the Romanian Business Leaders (RBL), being active in advocacy in tax matters. Our firm is an independent member of Integra International, an interactive global association of local independent accounting, tax, audit and business advisory firms, dedicated to advising businesses worldwide.

As a recognition of her contribution and notoriety in the Romanian tax consultancy market, Nadia Oanea was nominated in the “Women in Tax Leaders” catalogue, compiled by International Tax Review based on the opinions expressed by the tax consultants participating in the study.
Our Services
Tax News

Methodological norms for the minimum corporate income tax (IMCA) and for the micro-enterprise income tax, as well as amendments regarding the additional corporate income tax

What our clients and our contractors say about us and what are the most recent cases we are proud of
I have been working with Nadia Oanea, as a tax consultant, for more than 10 years. In my position, as financial director of a Romanian manufacturing company in the automotive sector, large taxpayer, member of a group of companies based in Germany, I have faced very diverse situations that require a careful analysis of tax and transfer pricing implications, and the advice offered by Mrs. Oanea has always been very pragmatic, demonstrating a high level of understanding of business issues, helping the company to properly meet its tax obligations and manage the tax risks inherent in the business model.
I recommend her from the perspective of our long-term collaboration, the quality of services being at the same level both in the past, when Mrs. Oanea was the co-ordinating partner of the tax division of an international company, as well as in her current role as entrepreneur.
We trusted Nadia Oanea and we granted her team the preparation of the transfer pricing file and this proved to be the right decision for us. Although during the tax inspection we had a transfer pricing adjustment, following a court litigation we won at the Supreme Court (ICCJ), following the arguments drafted by the team coordinated by Nadia Oanea in the transfer pricing file, in support of the particular situation faced by the company during the period under scrutiny, which proved to be perfectly valid in court.
Nadia Oanea demonstrated an understanding of our business model, of the particular circumstances that affected the company's profitability in a certain period, and managed to translate them into transfer pricing theory, so that we can demonstrate that the transfer pricing policy of the company is in line with the arm’s length principle.
I have worked with Nadia over several years in my role as global leader for transfer pricing in Grant Thornton.
Nadia has been a strong colleague in her roles as head of tax and international specialist in the Grant Thornton Romania practice. She has always given considered and practical advice and has not hesitated to share her expertise with colleagues across the network. She was instrumental in arranging training courses and collaborating with colleagues from EMEA and globally. I would not hesitate to recommend her to my clients.
Impact Group, whose parent company is Impact Developer & Contractor SA, a company listed on BVB, has several companies classified as large taxpayers, having the obligation to prepare annually the transfer pricing file. In the context of the development and diversification of the Group's activity, we turned to Nadia Oanea, Tax & Training for specialized help in setting transfer pricing for new types of intragroup transactions, as well as for annual transfer pricing file.
Nadia Oanea has demonstrated a good understanding of our business model and transaction typology, the cooperation with Tax & Training helping us meet tax compliance obligations in the field of transfer pricing in a manner oriented towards the correct identification and implementation of the transfer pricing methodology, when the group's development stage involves new entities and new transactions.
Participation in the course held by Nadia for Module Principles of International Taxation made a major contribution in successfully passing the exam, upon my first try. Nadia is a well-prepared professional, with excellent technical knowledge and who knows how to guide us through the vast curriculum, as well as to indicate to us the main areas of focus for the exam. We have also received many suggestions and tips and tricks on how to manage the exam, which proved to be very useful.
I recommend Nadia with warmth and confidence.